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2023. HD. Panoramic projection, Music by Solovic.
Fulla Gallery, SK


2023. HD. Panoramic projection, Music by Solovic.
Fulla Gallery, SK


2011. Guided by Invoices gallery.
New York, USA


2023. HD. Panoramic projection, Music by Solovic.
Fulla Gallery, SK


1997. XLVII Bienial of Venice, Slovak pavilion.


1997, XLVII Bienial of Venice.
Slovak pavilion, Italy


1997. Video projection in nature, on 3 Dimensional screen


1997. Video projection in nature, on 3 Dimensional screen

“Carnival of mirrors”

2015. Burning Man Festival.
Nevada, USA

“Carnival of mirrors”

2015. Burning Man Festival.
Nevada, USA

“Carnival of mirrors”

2015. Burning Man Festival.
Nevada, USA


2007, Projection projected on
20 meters tall factory,
Portland, Oregon, USA


1994. Projection on Hudson River.
New York


2024. 4K. Projection with live music by Tomášiková, SK


2024. 4K. Projection with live music by Tomášiková, SK


2024. 4K. Projection with live music by Tomášiková, SK


2011, Guided by invoices gallery.
New York, USA


2024. 4K, Projections for Night of Science event (Noc Vedy),
Bratislava, SK


2024. 4K, Projections for Night of Science event (Noc Vedy),
Bratislava, SK


2024. 4K, Projections for Night of Science event (Noc Vedy),
Bratislava, SK


2024. Projection on 5 meters large ballon.
Magic garden, SK


2024. Projection on 5 meters large ballon.
Magic garden, SK


4K. Projection on 4 meters tall balloon.


2024, One Day Jazz festival,

“Tóny vesmíru a zeme”

2025, Tatranská galeria, Poprad, SK

“Tóny vesmíru a zeme”

2025, Tatranská galeria, Poprad, SK

“Tóny vesmíru a zeme”

2025, Tatranská galeria, Poprad, SK


2022, Projection with live performance by Tomo Michalcak.


2016. Projection at music event,
Stara Tržnica, SK

Projection for a music performance,

“Tóny vesmíru a zeme”

2025, Tatranská galeria, Poprad, SK

“Beyond Invisible” 

2017, Projection with live orchestra by Solovic.
Pohoda Festival, SK


2022. Projections, 100 years of Siemens event,


2022. Projections, 100 years of Siemens event,


2022. Projections, 100 years of Siemens event,

“Magical world of Ondrej Rudavsky”

2018. Softec event, Zoya gallery,

“Out of a jam”

2010, Projections on concert
New Orleans, USA

“MTV awards night”

2004, Background projections for
the band “Yellowcard”.


Projections at Farmani Gallery
Los Angeles, CA, USA


2011. Guided by Invoices gallery.
New York, USA

Multiple video art installations in 5 HD monitors
2013, Tatranská Galéria, SK

“Escaping Reality“

2022, Multiple art installations in HD monitors.
Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum

”Atomic Dream”

2020, 230 cm tall metal sculpture with monitor & art animation, Live performance with the video sculpture

“Atomic Dream”

2021. 230 cm tall Video Sculpture, 4K monitor with Animated video loop, with music composed by Solovic & Michalčák


2014. 250 cm tall Video Sculpture with HD monitor, Animated video loop, music composed by Solovic.


2024. Video projection on a circle screen in nature.
Zozolonie, France


2000. Projection on a circle screen, Installed between trees


2024, 4K installation on circle screen,
Zozolonie, France

Testing new video art installation, 2024


2023. Short loop from 4K art installation

“Mechanical Dragons”

2024. Frame from 4K art installation


2024. Frame from 4K art installation


2007. Short loop from from 4K art installation


2000. Frame from 4K art installation


2000. Frame from 4K art installation


2012. Frame from animated installation


2007. Frame from 4K art installation

“Black hole”

Idea for installation


In cinemas, I have always been fascinated by projection as such. The idea that a micro image of a film, through a lens, using a light beam, is raised to the macrocosmic world amazed me.

Video projections give me the freedom to create large living images that appear at night as a mirage in nature under the stars, or become an interior element in a limited architectural space. The possibility of combining the light world of my animations projected on various shapes of a screens or objects gives me the freedom to improvise and thus create new worlds in a macrocosmic version.


V kinách ma vždy fascinovala projekcia ako taká. Predstava, že mikroobrázok filmu sa cez šošovku pomocou svetelného paprsku zväčší na makrokozmický svet, ma dostávala do úžasu.

Videoprojekcie mi dávajú slobodu vytvárať veľké živé obrazy, ktoré sa v noci zjavia ako fatamorgána v prírode pod hviezdami, alebo sa stanú interiérovou súčasťou v ohraničenom architektonickom priestore. Možnosť kombinovať svetelný svet mojich animácií s rôznymi tvarmi plátna či objektov mi dáva slobodu improvizovať a tak vytvárať nové svety v makrokozmickom prevedení.