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1988. Heights 7-8 cm.,
Sculp-clay, Inks, Pigments, Bee wax


2012. 8x7x1,5cm., 
Clay, Copper, Brass, Acrylic


2016. 7x10x0,5cm.,
Aluminum, Resin, Inks


2016. 7x4x0,5cm.,
Copper, Resin, Brass, Acrylic

“Triangle with cross pendant”

2015. 10,5x12x1,5cm.,
Copper, Resin, Brass

“Triangle pendant”

2015. 10,5x12x1,5cm.,
Copper, Resin, Brass, Stainless steel, Ink


2024. 2,5 x 2x2 cm.,
Etched Brass, Patina


2024. 5,5 x 7 x 5,5 cm. each,
Etched Brass, Copper, Stainless steel, Red coral


2024. 5,5 x 7 x 5,5 cm. each,
Etched Brass,


2024. 2,5 x 2x2 cm.,
Etched Silver
& Brass, Patina


2024. 2,5 x 2 x 2 cm.,
Etched brass, Patina


2024. 2,5 x 2 x 2 cm.,
Etched silver, Patina


2006 - 2008. Different sizes,
Etched copper, Gold & silver plated


2010. Different sizes.
Etched copper, Acrylic

“Magical objects”

1989. Different sizes.
Clay, Acrylic, Pigments, Bee wax

“Magical objects”

1989. Different sizes.
Clay, Acrylic, Pigments, Bee wax

“Magical objects”

1989. Different sizes. 12 - 14cm.,
Clay, Acrylic, Pigments, Brass, Bee wax


1989. Height 14-16 cm.,
Clay, pigments, bee wax, acrylic paint, patina

2010. 19 x 2 x 3 cm.
Sculp clay, Copper, Brass, Acrylic, Bee wax

2010. 20 x 2 x 3 cm.,
Sculpt clay, Copper, Brass, Acrylic, Bee wax

Pendant 2, “Black Collection”
2025. 8,5x4cm
Copper, forged metal, pigments, resin

Pendant 1, “Black Collection”
2025. 10,5x3,5cm
Copper, forged metal, pigments, resin

Pendant 4, “Black Collection”
2025. 8x8cm
Copper, forged metal, pigments, resin, glass

Pendant 3, “Black Collection”
2025. 9,5x4cm
Copper, forged metal, pigments, resin

“Magical objects”

2011. 13 x 2 x 3 cm.,
Resin, Cutout paper, Brass, Clay, Acrylic, Light with battery

“Magical Object”

2011. 13 x 2 x 3 cm.,
Resin, Cutout paper, Brass, Clay, Acrylic, Light with battery


2010. 5x2,5x1,5cm.,
Resin, Cutout paper, Ink


2010. 4x2,5x2cm.,
Resin, Cutout paper, Ink


2015. 7x5x0,5cm.,
Copper, Resin, Brass, Ink

“ Pendant”

2011. 12x5x1,5cm.,
Bronze, Copper, Resin, Brass, Patina

“ Large pendant”

2017. 21x16x1,5cm.,
Brass, Resin, Cut-out paper, Aluminum, Ink


2016. 8,5x9,5x1,5cm.,
Aluminum, Resin, Stainless steel, Lighs with batery, Ink


2016. 12x12x2,5cm.,
Copper, Resin, Stainless steel, Ink

“Triangle pendant”

2015. 10,5x12x1,5cm., 
Copper, Resin, Brass, Moon stone, Ink

“Dragon egg 2”

2022. 11 x 8 cm - size of the egg.
Resin, Steel, Black shungit pedestal

“Egg object”

2022. 11 x 8 cm - size of the egg.
Resin, Steel, Black shungit pedestal

“Egg object”

2022. 11 x 8cm - size of the egg.
Steel, Gold patina, Resin, Black shungit pedestal

“Open Egg”

2022. 11 x 8cm - size of the egg.
Steel, Gold patina, Resin, Black shungit pedestal

“Egg object”

2022. 11 x 8 cm - size of the egg.
Steel, Metallic patina, Black shungit pedestal


2022. Variable sizes.
Aluminum, Steel, Resin, Black shungit pedestal


1999 10 x 8 x 7 cm.,
Cut out paper, Acrylic, Pencil, Varnish


1999 10 x 8 x 7 cm.,
Cut out paper, Pencil, Varnish


1999 10 x 8 x 7 cm.,
Cut out paper, Acrylic, Pencil, Varnish


1999 10 x 8 x 7 cm.,
Cut out paper, Acrylic, Pencil, Varnish

“Magical objects”

1994. Heights approx. 13 cm.,
Clay, Resin, Bronze, Copper, Brass, Cut-out paper, Ink


1989. Height approx. 14 cm.,
Clay, Pigments, Bee wax, Patina


2015. 10x7x0,5cm.,
Copper, Resin, Cutout paper, Ink


1994. 15x10x1,3 cm.,
Resin, Cutout Paper, inks, Goldleaf


2008 6,5 x 5 x 5 cm.,
Egg shell, Tempera, Pencil, Metal plate


2015. 12x8x2cm.,
Bronze, Copper, Resin, Ink, Plate


1999 10 x 8 x 7 cm.,
Cut out paper, Pencil, Varnish


2010. 20 x 22 x 22 cm.,
Copper, Dark glass


2018. 60 x 80 x 25 cm,
Steel, Aluminum, Brass, Resin


The style of my jewelry from the last decade has developed slowly and evolutionary. After emigrating to the USA in 1986, I started to make small objects out of special clay out of curiosity. But they all ended up as failures so I gave up. After moving to New York in 1988, I creatively returned to these objects. I gave them a new form, emphasized the detail, color, wax patina and, most importantly, the functional possibility of wearing them. And so the first series of pins and amulets was created. In 1989, these works were shown at the prestigious Robert Lee Morris Gallery in New York, which launched my jewelry creation.


Rukopis mojich šperkov z obdobia posledného desaťročia sa vyvíjal pomaly až evolučne. Po emigrácii do USA v roku 1986 som začal zo zvedavosti vyrábať malé objekty zo špeciálnej hliny. No všetky skončili ako nepodarky a nedával som im žiadnu existenciu šancu. Po presťahovaní sa do New Yorku som sa k týmto objektom kreatívne vrátil. Dodal som im novú podobu, zvýraznil detail, farbu, voskovú patinu a hlavne funkčnú možnosť nosenia. A tak vznikla prvá séria pinov a amuletov. V roku 1989 sa tieto diela dostali v New Yorku do prestížnej Robert Lee Morris galérie, ktorá odštartovala moju šperkársku tvorbu.