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“Atomic Dream”

2021, 230 x 160 x 80 cm,
Video Sculpture, Aluminum, Brass, Resin, Plastic, Steel,
4K monitor,
Animated video loop with music.

“Cosmic Flower”

2022, 270 x 118 x 100 cm,
Variable light sculpture, Wood, Aluminium, Resin, Light, Ink on plexiglass, Motors, Strings, Stainless steel.


2014, 260 x 145 x 84,
Video Sculpture, Aluminium, Brass, Resin, Steel, HD monitor,
Rotating mechanics,
Animated video loop with music.


2021, 265 x 120 x 82 cm,
Light sculpture, Aluminium,
Stainless steel, Light, Inks on
plexiglass, Strings.

“Light house”

1999. 43 x 23 x 15 cm,
Bronze, Resin, Light, Cut-out paper


1994 - 2000. 61 x 48 x 53 cm,
Bronze, Resin, Cut-out paper


1999. 31 x 30 x 15 cm,
Bronze, Resin, Cut-out paper


1995 - 2021. 35 x 40 x 15 cm,
Bronze, Brass, Resin, Stencil, Glass, Stone

“Light house 2”

2002. 52 x 20 x 20 cm.,
Bronze, Resin, Wood, Cut-out paper, Light

“Svetelnička 7”

2003. 52 x 19 x 19 cm.,
Bronze, Resin, Cut-out paper, Light, Steel

“Svetelnička 2”

1998. 47 x 17 x 17 cm.,
Bronze, Stainless steel,
Cut-out paper, Light


1998. 40 x 10 x 10 cm.,
Pedestal, Bronze, Resin,
Cut-out paper, Wood, Light, Stone

“Balance maker”

1998. 27 x 29 x 21 cm.,
Bronze, Resin, Stone, Cut-out paper


1998. 48 x 42 x 27 cm.,
Bronze, Resin, Cut-out paper, Stone


1998. 28 x 24 x 15 cm.,
Bronze, Resin, Stone, Cut-out paper


1998. 39 x 45 x 29 cm.,
Bronze, Resin, Stone, Cut-out paper


1995. Height 10cm.,
Resin, Cut-out paper stencils, Ink

“Royal rider”

1997. 33 x 27 x 7 cm.,
Bronze, Resin, Glass, Cut-out paper


1991. 24 x 10 x 14 cm.,
Bronze, Paper cut-out, Resin


2010. 38 x 23 x 23 cm., 

Bronze, Resin, RGB Light, Ink, Cut-out paper

“Head 2”

1985. 47 x 20 x 25 cm.,
Stone pedestal, Bronze

“Svetelnička 3”

1999. 50 x 24 x 19 cm.,
Bronze, Resin, Ink, Cut-out paper

“Svetelnička 8”

2023. 53 x 17 x 17 cm.,
Bronze, Resin, Stone, Cut-out paper, RGB Light




2003. 30 x 30 x 6 cm,

“Protector of light“

115 x 115 x 18 cm.,
Wood, Aluminium, Brass, Resin,
Archival print, Strings, Stainless steel

“Bird Queen” 

1997. 80 x 60 x 83 cm., 


“Candlestick 2”

2005. 64 x 53 x 15 cm.,
Bronze, Resin, Ink, Paper cut-out


2007. 60 x 40 x 18 cm.,
Aluminium, Wood,
Brass, Plexiglass, Inks


2006. 40 x 31 x 16 cm.,
Bronze, Glass

“Candlestick 3“

2005. 60 x 40 x 15 cm.,
Bronze, Resin, Ink, Paper cut-out


1994. 29 x 25 x 14 cm., 



1985 - 2023. 41 x 20 x 25 cm.,


1991. Height 20 cm.,

“John the Baptist”

1992. 50 x 30 x 30 cm.,
Bronze, Silver


1994-2005. 40 x 40 x 20 cm.,
Bronze, Aluminium, Resin, Cut-out paper, Clay


1994-2010. 61 x 48 x 53 cm.,
Bronze, Glass, Resin


1992. 28 x 17 x 10 cm.,

”Space spy”

1997. 17 x 19 x 9 cm., 
Bronze, Resin, Cut-out paper

“Transmitter 2”

1998. 30 x 28 x 27 cm.,
Bronze, Resin, Ink, Cut-out paper


1999. 26 x 31 x 27 cm.,
Bronze, Resin, Cut-out paper, Stone

“Last Judgment”

1999. 58 x 36 x 23 cm.,
Bronze, Copper, Resin, Cut-out paper


2000. 33 x 22 x 18 cm.,

Bronze, Resin, Cut-out paper,
Ink, RGB Light

“Head 1”

1985. 31 x 18 x 23 cm.,
Marble pedestal, Bronze

“Svetelnička 5”

2015. 63 x 21 x 21 cm.,
Bronze, Resin, Wood, Cut-out paper, RGB light, Artificial stone

“Svetelnička 10”

2003. 54 x 22 x 22 cm.,
Bronze, Resin, Wood, Artificial stone, Cut-out paper, Light


1994. 35 x 34 x 20 cm.,

“Violin masks”

1993. Height 60 cm.,
Bronze, Wood, Strings

“Bird Shaman“


“Pilot from Atlantis”

1993. 30 x 40 x 20 cm.,

“Royal messenger”

1994. 24 x 16 x 18 cm.,
Bronze, Resin


1994. 20 x 20 x 15 cm.,


1993. 40 x 30 x 30 cm.,
Bronze, Stone


1991. 45 x 24 x 24 cm.,

“Holly Animal“

1990. 16 x 12 x 22 cm.,


Clay, Inks, Gold paint

“Praying mantis”

2022. 23 x 14 x 12 cm,

“Royal fountain“

2018. 75 x 75 x 80 cm., + 5 m. tall column,
Stainless steel, Brass, Stone, Water, Light


1994-2015. 59 x 35 x 105 cm.,
Bronze, Stainless steel

“Mandala table”

2016. 58 x 90 x 90 cm.,
Stainless steel, Brass, Aluminium, Glass, Ink on glass, Light, Strings

“Mandala table”

2016. 58 x 90 x 90 cm.,
Stainless steel, Brass, Aluminium, Glass, Ink on glass, Light, Strings


I grew up among sculptures since birth. My father was one of the most important Slovak sculptors of the second half of the 20th century. He always wanted me to become a sculptor, but I was inclined towards film. I created two surreal plaster heads as a student during high school, but that was probably all.

So I only got into sculpture after the 1999 revolution, when I started returning from America to visit my parents in Slovakia every summer. My father already had his own foundry for casting bronze in his sculpture garden, which I really liked. And so I started making bronze sculptures, which I later started combining with resin and light.

After 2000, I decided to create my first video sculpture of larger dimensions. And with this combination, to bring the sculpture to life with an animated soul and thus create a living being out of it. With this series, several sculptures came to life, whether kinetically, with sound or with light.


Medzi sochami som vyrastal od narodenia. Otec patril k najvýznamnejším slovenským sochárom 20. storočia. Vždy si prial mať zo mňa sochára, ale ja som inklinoval k filmu.Dve surreálne hlavy zo sádry som síce vytvoril ako študent počas strednej školy, ale to bolo asi všetko.

K sochárskej tvorbe som sa dostal až po revolúcii v roku 1999, keď som sa začal vracať z USA každé leto navštíviť rodičov na Slovensko. Otec už mal vo svojej sochárskej záhrade vlastnú zlievareň na odlievanie do bronzu, čo sa mi veľmi zapáčilo. A tak som začal robiť aj sochy do bronzu, ktoré som neskôr začal kombinovať so živicou a svetlom.

Po roku 2000 som sa rozhodol vytvoriť prvú video sochu väčších rozmerov. A s touto kombináciou, sochu oživiť animovanou dušou a tým z nej vytvoriť žijúcu bytosť. Z tejto série ožilo viacero sôch, či už kineticky, zvukovo alebo svetelne.