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1988, 45x30cm,
Pencil, acryl, spray paint on colored paper

“Blue day”

1987, 45x30cm,
Charcoal & pencil on color paper

“Sunny day”

1989, 45x30cm,
Watercolor, charcoal & pencil on paper

“Sunny day #2”

1989, 45x30cm,
Watercolor, charcoal & pencil on color paper


1988, 45x30cm,
Acryl , watercolor & pencil on color paper


1987. 50x35cm,
Ink, Pen, watercolor, acryl

“After fight”

1986. 60x40cm,
Pastel on color paper


1988, 50x35cm,
Acryl , watercolor & pencil on paper


1994, 30x35cm,
Tempera, ink & pencil on paper

“Sunny day #3"“

1989, 50x35cm,
Acryl, watercolor & pencil on color paper


1988, 45x30cm,
Pencil & tempera on color paper

“Sunny day #3”

1989, 45x30cm,
Charcoal & pencil on color paper

“Celebration of a new Queen”

2000, 30x35cm,
Pencil & acrylic on paper

“Between two gates”

2000, 30x35cm,
Pencil & acrylic on paper

“Procession #2”

2011, 45x40cm,
Pencil & Tempera on paper

“Procession #1”

2011, 45x40cm,
Pencil & Tempera on paper

“Cosmic shaman #2”

1994, 30x30cm,
Pencil on paper

“Cosmic shaman”

1994, 30x30cm,
Pencil on paper

“Triangular construction”

1986, 45x30cm,
Tempera, & colored pencil
on colored paper

“Bubble construction”

1986, 45x30cm,
Tempera, & colored pencil
on colored paper

“Before storm”

1989, 45x30cm,
Watercolor, ink & pencil on color paper

“Fork heads”

1986, 50x30cm,
Ink, Pencil, watercolor, acryl


1992, 50x40cm,
Color pencils & acrylic on paper

“Renaissance dream”

1987, 100x45cm,
Pencil, tempera & pastel on paper

“Prophets #2”

1992, 45x35cm,
Colored pencils & acrylic on paper

“Time machine”

Tempera and ink on colored paper


1994, 30x30cm,
Color pencils & tempera on paper

“Party time”

1994, 30x30cm,
Color pencils on paper

“Idea for sculpture 3”

2001, 40x30cm,
Colored pencils on paper

“Idea for sculpture 1”

2001, 40x30cm,
Pencil on paper

“Idea for sculpture 4”

2001, 40x30cm,
Colored pencils on paper

“Idea for sculpture 5”

2001, 40x30cm,
Colored pencils on paper


1995, 21x27cm,
Colored pencil on colored paper

“The big flood”

1994, 30x30cm,
Color pencils, tempera

“Prayer between for sides”

1997, 28x22cm.
Tempera, ink on paper


1997, 28x22cm,
Tempera, ink on paper


1992, 28x2xcm,
Ink, pencil, pastel


1994, 45x47cm,
Colored pencils on paper


1987, 120x90cm,
B&W foto - original in color / Acryl on board

“Night riders”

1987, 50x40cm. 
B&W foto / Acryl on board


1987, 120x90cm,
Acryl on board


1987, 100x130cm,
Ink, pencil, acryl


1987, 60x40cm,
Ink, Pen, watercolor, acryl


1987, 100x130cm,
acryl, pastel, pencil

“Galactic war”

1984, 35x25cm,
Ink, Pencil, watercolor, acryl


1993, 45x32cm,
Ink, Pencil, watercolor, acryl


1999, 40x33 cm,
Pen, watercolor, acryl on Burned paper


1995, 20x27cm,
Blue pen


1993, Ink, Pen


1987, 50x37cm,
Pencil, acryl, spray paint

“Cathedral builders” 

1987, 32x45cm,
Pencils and spray paint on colored paper


2000, 50x34cm,
Color pencils & acrylic on paper


2000, 30x35cm,
Pencil & acrylic on paper

“Procession #2”

1989, 55x45cm,
Pencil, Tempera & spray gold paint on paper


Pencils on colored paper

“Rainy Day”

1986, 60x40cm,
Ink, Pencil, watercolor, acryl

“Night walk”

1989, 45x30cm,
Tempera, charcoal, ink & pencil on color paper

“Vacuum creature”

1988, 100x45cm,
Pencil, acryl & charcoal on paper


1995, 50x35cm,
Colored pencils & tempera on paper


Ink,pencil & acryl on paper

“Coming in Peace” 

1998, 30x22cm,
Ink, Pencil, wax pencil


1987, 120x90cm. 
Acryl on board


2001, 50x40cm,
Acryl on paper

“Mysterious rider”

1987, 120x90cm,
B&W foto -original in color / Acryl on board

“Sunday walk”

1987, 50x40cm,
Acryl and pencil on board


Since the 90s, I have been involved in drawings and paintings, in addition to experimental film. In them, I often created surreal spaces in which living matter grows into the constructions of architectural beings. Thus, surreal buildings were created that come to life with the combination of this biological-technological transformation. I was inspired by the science fiction films, Greek mythology, reliefs of Sumer and Egypt, or legends about Atlantis. I tried to push these inspirations even further into imaginary spheres and new forms of imagination. Processions, celestial spaces, leaders, magicians, mythological horsemen, prophets, but also spiritual transformations, or shamans from other dimensions. I tried to process these themes in a detailed Renaissance feel.

As a little boy, I was already thinking about the genetic connection between humans and technological or animal, which fascinated me, but also scared me. Our technological century is becoming the birth of modern alchemy, where science breaks the laws of biology and genetics and connects with artificial intelligence.

But maybe I'm just overthinking it, and these drawings and paintings are just the fruit of my endless imagination.


Od roku 1990 som sa začal venovať popri experimentálnemu filmu taktiež kresbám a maľbám. V nich som často stvárňoval surrealistické priestory, v ktorých živá hmota prerastá do konštrukcií architektonických bytostí. Vznikali tak surrealistické stavby, ktoré ožívajú v kombinácii tejto biologicko-technologickej transformácie. Inšpirovali ma svety vedecko-fantastických filmov, gréckej mytológie, reliéfy Sumerov a Egypta, či legendy o Atlantíde. Snažil som sa tieto inšpirácie posúvať ešte do vzdialenejších imaginárnych sfér a nových podôb predstavivosti. Procesie, celestiálne priestory, vodcovia, mágovia, mytologickí jazdci, proroci, ale aj duchovné premeny či šamani z iných dimenzií – tieto témy som sa snažil spracovať v detailnom až renesančnom prevedení.

Už ako malý chlapec som riešil v myšlienkach genetickú prepojenosť človeka s technologickou či zvieracou, čo ma fascinovalo, ale aj desilo. Naše technologické storočie sa stáva zrodom modernej alchýmie, kde veda narúša zákony biológie a genetiky a živé prepája s umelou inteligenciou.

Ale možno iba veľa premýšľam, a tieto kresby a maľby sú iba výplodom mojej nekonečnej fantázie.


New York Times


When illustrating, I like the challenge of creating my own look adapted to the content of another author's text. It's like a little meditation, connecting the worlds of two artists in such a collaboration. My first illustrations were for the New York Times in the 90s, where I found a new dimension in black and white ink drawings.


Pri ilustrácii sa mi páči výzva vytvárať vlastnú víziu prispôsobenú obsahu textu iného autora. Je to ako malá meditácia, prepojiť svety dvoch umelcov v takúto spoluprácu. Prvé ilustrácie vznikli pre The New York Times v 90. rokoch, kde som našiel nový rozmer v čiernobielej kontrastnej tušovej kresbe.

Book Illustrations



The technique of intaglio appealed to me from the moment I saw the beautiful Renaissance prints of 15th century masters in art books. I immediately knew that, besides film and animation, this would be my second favorite work that I wanted to pursue. Here is a cross-section of my printmaking work from the period between 1980-2024


Technika hĺbkotlače ma oslovila od okamihu, ako som videl v knihách krásne renesančné rytiny majstrov z 15. storočia. Hneď som vedel, že popri filme a animácii to bude moja druhá obľúbená práca, ktorej sa chcem venovať. Tu je prierez tvorby mojich výtlačkov z obdobia medzi rokmi 1980–2024.

Ideas and Sketches

“Last Judgment”

1997. Idea for a large multi-angle projection installation

“Last Judgment”

1997. Idea for a large multi-angle projection installation


2001. Idea for large multi-angle projection on shaped 3D screens